Combating Hunger and Malnutrition Kerala, India |
WHAT : Fund, Setup & Support Vegetable Gardens for 101 Tribal families, to help combat Malnutrition & Hunger. WHERE : Attapady, Kerala, India ; SELECTED VILLAGES: Daivkundu, Dundoor, Manthimala, Vandanpara Partnering NGO : Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission, Attapady. India The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life they way we have known it be. One of the areas this pandemic has highlighted is the hunger & exposure among marginalized and under-privileged due to slow down and shut down of the economy. Hence the importance of bringing about more self-reliance to their food supplies, while also providing them with nutritious food to enhance their immune systems. This project aimed to do both for 101 families for starters, in remote tribal communities of Attapady, in the province of Kerala, India. In 2018, Anjana Rajendran of University of British Columbia and Shefali Panicker of Western University spent a month serving and working among the remote tribal communities of Attapady, in Kerala, India. This was part of the Kerala Hindus of North America Youth Internship program (now in its 4th year) in partnership with Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission, , Attapady, Kerala. Click Here to view their internship report. One of the areas of work there was on the prevalent Malnutrition among Tribal communities in this area. They found that their food was mostly devoid of essential nutrients and malnutrition. They also found that birth defects and poor maternal health continue to afflict these tribal communities. The infant death toll was 14 in 2017 alone. Additionally they found a majority of the tribal families had not engaged in agriculture on their own land for last 5-10 years. This coupled with poverty led them to without access to a balanced diet. In some cases often leading to starvation. Project Report & Progress Report (2020- 2021) KHNA Youth interns, in Attapady in 2018 and from past years in collaboration with Sewa Canada International Aid Inc, a registered charity organization with a track record of approximately 30 years in serving the world, in partnership with Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission(SVMM), Attapady, embarked on a fundraising campaign to raise CAD$ 7000 for this project. | Goal: $10,000.00
Collected: $7,000.00
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