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Disaster Relief

Sewa International believes in collaboration and working with the community to support distressed families. During disasters, we offer a range of services, including assistance with rescue operations through helplines and volunteer efforts, and organizing food and clothing drives. Additionally, we provide essential services such as immediate clean-up after flooding, case management for housing assistance, and guidance on applying for government or FEMA aid.Sewa International also extends case management services in the aftermath of disasters, offering help and support in cases of illness, family emergencies, and death or bereavement.

Our volunteers have actively contributed during the relief phase of numerous disasters, including the Ukrainian Refugee Food Relief in Hungary, the British Columbia Flood, the Maharashtra Flood, and many more.


The Sewa International, invites enthusiast individuals to come forward and help us in our initiatives. Enroll yourself as Volunteer.


Ongoing Projects

No ongoing projects for disaster relief

Past Projects

CRA No. : 885411249RR0001

+1 905 910 0512


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