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  • Empower Hindu & Sikh Refugees in India

Empower Hindu & Sikh Refugees in India

Fleeing religious persecution in Pakistan, Hindu and Sikh refugees arrive in India, with almost next to nothing, except the clothes on their backs. However, once in India, they live in very challenging conditions in New Delhi, Rajasthan and Gujarat. They do not have access to any income and their status as refugees renders them unemployable (legally) in India. They live in refugee camps supported by Samaritans and well wishers of these refugees in the above mentioned provinces.
Women and young girls have faced the brunt of this persecution (in Pakistan and as reported widely in International media) in many unimaginable ways. Though on arrival India, they experience the shield of safety, security and peace of mind, the scars of trauma remain, while their illiteracy and lack of education along with no legal status, makes for a very challenging life in India.

Goal: $50,000.00
Collected: $54,101.00

In Collaboration With

Prajna Foundation , India

Sewa Canada International has launched a project to help empower families in New Delhi in the following areas

  • Initial Resettlement
  • Counselling for Women
  • Life Skills Training & self-employment
  • Children’s Education
  • Infrastructure improvement in refugee camps.

Girls and women at the Adarsh Nagar camp in New Delhi have started receiving life skills training and counselling facilitated by Sewa Canada International. Daily sewing classes are held at the camp by a trained teacher/counsellor at the Adarsh Nagar refugee camp in New Delhi. There is lots more that can be done for these ever growing number of forgotten refugees, to help them be self-reliant, employable and heal the scars/trauma of their past experiences.

Your generous donations will help us keep these programs going, expand it to include more beneficiaries and in turn empower more of these refugee families, who continue to arrive in India. All donations are tax-deductible in Canada and tax receipts are issued automatically.Watch this page for updates and pictures of our work on the ground.

For more information, visit Please DONATE generously. 100% of your donations will be transferred to the work on the ground. Donations are tax deductible in Canada.

Donations may also be made via cheque payable to “Sewa Canada International” and mailed to the address below. Please mention “Refugees in India”
Address: P.O. Box 76621, 1661 Denison Street
Markham – ON, L3R 0N5
For more information CONTACT US


CRA No. : 885411249RR0001

+1 905 910 0512


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