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Sponsor A Tribal Child’s Education in Attapady

Attapady is known for having a low Human Development Index (HDI) when compared to the rest of Kerala, India, with many of the inhabitants living in poverty. Tribes form 44% of the population and are represented in three sects called Irula, Muduga and Kurumba.

Good quality and well rounded education serves as means to empower the future of these underprivileged communities. The objective of this project is to help fund education of 68 tribal children at the English medium School, Malleswara Vidyanikethan in Attapady, operated by Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission Trust, our partner in Kerala.

The School : Malleeswara Vidyanikethan provides quality education for marginalized/tribal communities in Attappady. The school started in 1992 as a lower primary school for children in the local area, was handed over to Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission Trust in 2010. The school is now an unaided recognized school under the State board of Government of Kerala. With a student strength of 528 students, the school has classrooms, toilets, library, science lab, computer lab, STEM lab and a playground. There are 5 school buses to bring students from distant villages to the school. There is a Tribal Sports Hostel attached to the school where 20 tribal students are given coaching and mentoring.

The highlights of the school are

  • English Medium education up to 10th Grade.
  • Kerala State government recognition.
  • Adequate infrastructure like classrooms, toilets, furniture etc.
  • Computer lab, STEM lab, language lab
  • Library
  • Learning Sanskrit, Yoga and Music.
  • Sports coaching in 6 disciplines.
  • School buses to transport children from distant places
  • Freshly cooked mid-day meal for all students
  • Hostel facility for twenty tribal students
Goal: $20,000.00
Collected: $19,860.00

Its impact :

  • Overall development of students in different spheres.
  • Preventing dropouts from school
  • Increased enrolment in Higher education.
The school has continued to strive for excellence in academics. The students achieved 100 percent pass in the 10th grade exam at the end of the year. One of the students this year was selected for second level of SOF Maths Olympiad. In sports with concerted coaching and engagement, the school Kabbadi team finished second in South India Kabaddi Competition in Sub-junior category held at Chennai organized by Vidyabharathi. Finished third position in Palakkad district in Swimming relay for boys. Secured overall second position in Zonal LP sports meet in Attapady.

Statistics of Academic year 2024-25

  • Total number of students : 528
  • Total number of students from Tribal community : 193
  • Total number of students from Tribal community currently funded by different donors/funding :125
  • Number of Tribal students requiring funding :68

Cost of sponsoring one tribal child’s education is INR 15,000 for a year or CAD$ 250. This cost covers

  • Tuition Fees
  • Cost of Uniforms
  • Mid-Day Meal costs
  • School Bus transportation

The ASK: For less than a dollar a day we can help make a difference in the life of a tribal family by empowering their children through education. Appeal to donors to sponsor a child’s education for a year in Attapady.

All donations are tax deductible in Canada. Every donor will be matched or assigned to a child or more depending on the number of children sponsored. Donors will be provided with their names and grade and a report on the progress at school. We also encourage our donors to visit Attapady and the school.

Donations may also be made via cheque payable to “Sewa Canada International” and mailed to the address below. Please mention “Sponsor A Child in Attapady”



CRA No. : 885411249RR0001

+1 905 910 0512


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